


痛みを伴う変形性膝関節症における超音波エコー検査の使用に関するEULARレポート パート2

EULAR report on the use of ultrasonography in painful knee osteoarthritis. Part 2: Exploring decision rules for clinical utility Ann Rheum Dis 2005;64:1710–1714. 要約 背景 滑膜炎症(肥厚と浸出液)はOAの一般的症状であり、おそらく痛みと変形の…

変形性膝関節症の滑膜異常に対する超音波エコーの適応 −横断研究−

Associations Between Clinical Evidence of Inflammation and Synovitis in Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: A Cross-Sectional Substudy.Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2017 Sep;69(9):1340-1348. 目的 超音波によって通常の滑膜肥厚の厚さと浸出液程度…


Low-grade infections as a possible cause of arthrofibrosis after total knee arthroplasty Patient Safety in Surgery volume 13, Article number: 1 (2019) 要約 TKA術後の軽度の関節症による線維症の可能性 目的 TKA術後の線維症は患者にとって大きな…

TKA術後の大腿四頭筋とハムストリングスの筋力推移 ―メタアナリシスー

Serial Changes of Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscle Strength Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Meta-Analysis Moon YW, Kim HJ, Ahn HS, Lee DH:Serial changes of quadriceps and hamstring muscle strength following total knee arthroplasty:A me…


Improvements in Objectively Measured Activity Behaviors Do Not Correlate With Improvements in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Following Total Knee Arthroplasty The Journal of Arthroplasty Volume 35, Issue 3, March 2020, Pages 712-719.e4 …


Development of Preoperative Prediction Models for Pain and Functional Outcome After Total Knee Arthroplasty Using The Dutch Arthroplasty Register Data The Journal of Arthroplasty Volume 35, Issue 3, March 2020, Pages 690-698.e2 要約 背景 T…


Rehabilitation After Total Knee Arthroplasty: Do Racial Disparities Exist? The Journal of Arthroplasty Volume 35, Issue 3, March 2020, Pages 683-689 要約 背景 TKA術後の機能的なアウトカムの人種による違いは存在します。これらの違いがリハビリ…


What Factors Influence Operative Time in Total Knee Arthroplasty? A 10-Year Analysis in a National Sample The Journal of Arthroplasty Volume 35, Issue 3, March 2020, Pages 621-627 要約 背景 CMS(メディケア&メディケイドサービスセンター:公的…


Post-operative Serum Cytokine Levels are Associated with Early Stiffness after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Cohort Study The Journal of Arthroplasty Available online 28 February 2020 要約 背景 炎症性サイトカインは線維症と関連づけ…


Synovial proliferation differentially affects hypoxia in the joint cavities of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients Yeon-Ah Lee, Clinical Rheumatology volume 26, pages2023–2029(2007) 要約 この研究は、滑膜増殖は関節リウマチとOA…


Reactive synovitis of the knee joint: MR imaging appearance with arthroscopic correlation Miriam A. Skeletal Radiology volume 29, pages577–582(2000) 要約 目的 膝関節鏡検査の二次性の反応性滑膜炎を特徴づける標準的な特徴とMR画像所見の検出で配…


Imaging with ultrasound in physical therapy: What is the PT’s scope of practice? A competency-based educational model and training recommendations Whittaker JL, Ellis R, Hodges PW, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;53:1447–1453. 《要約》 理学療…


Role of Ultrasonography in Knee Osteoarthritis Journal of Clinical Rheumatology: September 2016 - Volume 22 - Issue 6 - p 324–329 超音波検査はリウマチ学者の間でOAの観察と評価のための画像評価の第一選択として一般的になってきた。なぜなら、近…


Ultrasonographic detection of subclinical enthesitis and synovitis: a possible stratification of psoriatic patients without clinical musculoskeletal involvement Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019; 37: 593-599. 目的 乾癬患者の関節…


The relationship between synovial fluid VEGF and serum leptin with ultrasonographic findings in knee osteoarthritis First published: 20 December 2014 目的 この研究の目的は変形性膝関節症の放射線検査や超音波検査所見と一致する滑液と血清マーカ…


Prevalence of ultrasound synovial inflammatory findings in healthy subjects Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Volume 75, Issue 10 2016 目的 超音波検査のグレースケール法(通常画像で低エコーや高エコーなどで判断する方法)とドプラーの使用によっ…