



Knee Synovitis: Ultrasonographic Findings Strongly Correlate with Synovial Membrane Histology BMJ Journals Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases June 2016 - Volume 75 - Suppl 2 背景 関節鏡検査は滑膜を直接可視化することによって膝の滑膜炎を評価す…


Arthroscopic Lateral Retinacular Release in Adolescents With Medial Patellofemoral Ligament-centered Knee Pain Blackman, Andrew J. MD; Smith, June C. MPH; Luhmann, Scott J. MD Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics: April/May 2016 - Volume 36 -…


The Effect of Patellar Thickness on Intraoperative Knee Flexion and Patellar Tracking in Patients With Arthrofibrosis Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty The Journal of Arthroplasty Volume 31, Issue 5, May 2016, Pages 1011-1015 背景 TKA手術…


Medial and Lateral Patellofemoral Joint Retinaculum Thickness in People With Patellofemoral Pain: A Case‐Control Study Journal of Ultrasound in MedicineVolume 38, Issue 6 Simon Lack PhD Luke Anthony iBSc James Noake MD Kay Brennan MD Bairu…


Ultrasound characteristics of the lateral retinaculum in 10 patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome compared to healthy controls. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2013 Oct;17(4):523-9. 外側支帯の組織学的な変化は膝蓋大腿部痛症候群の患者で述べられている…


Inhibition of Synovial Macrophage Pyroptosis Alleviates Synovitis and Fibrosis in Knee Osteoarthritis Mediators of Inflammation Volume 2019, Article ID 2165918, 11 pages 異なる組織でのマクロファージのパイロトーシス(炎症誘導性の細胞死)は慢…


CoCr micro-particles induce a robust type 2 inflammation in knee synovial tissues leading to fibrosis and tissue damage J Immunol May 1, 2017, 198 (1 Supplement) 70.2 CoCrは整形外科インプラントの主要なもので、インプラント植え込み失敗と有害…


RUSI(Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging)シンポジウム San Antonio, TX May 8-10, 2006 Deydre Teyhen 理学療法士として私たちは日常的筋神経骨格系障害から随伴する運動機能障害の治療と評価を日常的に行っている。過去10年、深部筋の賦活パターンが腰…


Teyhen DS. Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging sym-posium. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 36(8): A1-3, 2006. Abstract 超音波リハビリテーションイメージング(RUSI)は深部にある筋機能と形態をリアルタイムに視覚的フィードバックで提供でき,評価すること…


Development and progression of immobilization-induced skin fibrosis through overexpression of transforming growth factor-ß1 and hypoxic conditions in a rat knee joint contracture model Journal Connective Tissue Research Volume 58, 2017 - I…

変形性関節症の関節形成術失敗後のT K Aと術前リハビリテーション

TKA with prehabilitation after failed arthroplasty for treatment of OA 2017 RESEARCH DAY POSTER SESSION 背景と目的 変形性関節症は重度になることと疾病が進行することで能力障害が起きやすくなる.この研究の目的は変形性関節症の治療のための術前リ…


Limited predictive value of pre-surgical level of functioning for functioning at 3 and 12 months after TKA Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy May 2019, Volume 27, Issue 5, pp 1651–1657 目的 T K AはO A患者の苦痛や膝機能の改善,…


Open arthrolysis for stiff knee after primary total knee arthroplast Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2019 Mar 15;33(3):307-311. 目的:初回TKA後に起こる拘縮患者に対する治療としての関節剥離術の有効性を評価すること。 方法:2014.1〜2…


Does the severity or cause of preoperative stiffness affect the clinical results and range of motion after total knee arthroplasty? October 11, 2018https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0205168 この研究の目的はTKAの術前に拘縮のある症例のROM…


Identifying Risk Factors for the Development of Stiffness After Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty The Journal of Arthroplasty Volume 33, Issue 4, April 2018, Pages 1186-1188 目的 TKA後の麻酔下マニュピレーションに関していくつかの研究があるが…


Prognostic factors that predict failure of manipulation under anesthesia for the stiff total knee arthroplasty: A systematic review Journal of Orthopaedics Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2018, Pages 842-846 目的 麻酔下のマニュピレーション(M…


Increased symptoms of stiffness 1 year after total knee arthroplasty are associated with a worse functional outcome and lower rate of patient satisfaction Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy April 2019, Volume 27, Issue 4, pp 11…


Chronic, Active Inflammation in Patients With Failed Total Knee Replacements Undergoing Revision Surgery First published: 24 June 2019 Journal of Orthopaedic Research, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jor.24398 TKA術後のフ…


THE STIFF KNEE: CAUSES AND CURES Published Online:21 Feb 2018 https://online.boneandjoint.org.uk/doi/abs/10.1302/1358-992X.97BSUPP_1.CCJR2014-102 TKA後の硬さは患者の5〜30%の間で発生する一般的な問題です。 硬さは可動域の範囲によって定義…


Fibrosis is a common outcome following total knee arthroplasty Scientific Reports volume 5, Article number: 16469 (2015) Fibrosis is a common outcome following total knee arthroplasty | Scientific Reports TKAは整形外科領域においてOA患者の…


International consensus on the definition and classification of fibrosis of the knee joint Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2016;98-B:1479–88. https://online.boneandjoint.org.uk/doi/full/10.1302/0301-620X.98B10.37957 国際的な専門家がデルフ…

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Total knee arthroplasty fibrosis following arthroscopic intervention Ann Transl Med. 2017 Dec; 5 TKA術前に関節鏡を行なった40名とそうでない症例を対象に滑膜と脂肪体の組織を切り取り病理学的に評価を実施した. 評価内容は滑膜の厚さ、細胞性、線維…